
Finspiring Education offers consultation services, pedagogical solutions and training for education providers and teachers worldwide.

Our services include for example 
▸ professional development training for teachers,
▸ developing the school and/or the school culture, 
▸ shaping the curriculum,
▸ improving well-being at school,
▸ bringing joy to learning,
▸ training on hands-on and active learning, classroom management, assessment, learning to learn skills,
and other practical pedagogical approaches.


Being passionate about quality education and learning, our mission is to add value to our customers’ services by finding the best possible solutions for each educational community.  

We believe that with the Finnish educational approach we can offer fresh perspectives to teaching and learning which ultimately enhance students’ learning and holistic success in life.


Your context creates the basis for our work.
Our consultation services are tailored to your educational institution’s needs. We utilize our multifaceted educational expertise to help you improve the quality of learning and education in your institution.

Our cooperation can happen online or on site. Let’s plan the details together!

Get In touch with us